
Alexander Vladishev authored 6c2d8d73bf3M
..F....... [ZBX-21255] added support of the fmtnum() function for {ITEM.VALUE}, {ITEM.LASTVALUE} and expression macros * commit '6a462562f9d7052e08dbeda69082da822da03e55': .D........ [ZBX-21255] fixed typo ..F....... [ZBX-21255] fixed deprecated ${var} string interpolation ..F....... [ZBX-21255] fixed PHPDoc ..F....... [ZBX-21255] fixed calls of getMacroPositions() static method ..F....... [ZBX-21255] made new funtionality compatible with PHP 7.4 .D........ [ZBX-21255] moved ChangeLog entry to the proper place .D........ [ZBX-21255] added ChangeLog entry ..F....... [ZBX-21255] added resolving of macro functions for expression macros ..F....... [ZBX-21255] refactored the getItemFunctionalValue() function to return value without post-processing ..F....... [ZBX-21255] refactored input parameters for the calcMacrofunc() method ..F....... [ZBX-21255] moved "function" and "parameter" into "macrofunc" object in the old code same way as it implemented in expression macros ..F....... [ZBX-21255] added extracting of expression macros with macro functions ..F....... [ZBX-21255] made some methods static ..F....... [ZBX-21255] moved macro functions calculation into a separated method ..F....... [ZBX-21255] moved inline duplicated code to the C10FunctionParser::getParams() method ..F....... [ZBX-21255] added support of options for CExpressionMacroFunctionParser ..F....... [ZBX-21255] added support of the fmtnum() function for the {ITEM.VALUE} and {ITEM.LASTVALUE} macros ..F....... [ZBX-21255] moved resolving of the regsub() and iregsub() macro functions for a separate function
Showing diff toe610ea60162