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AuthorCommitMessageCommit dateIssues
Dmitrijs GoloscapovsDmitrijs Goloscapovs
990aca54813M....I..PS.[ZBX-25722] updated to latest masterZBX-25722
Continuous IntegrationContinuous Integration
e4c49c6d196.......... [ZBXNEXT-826] updated ChangeLog entries..........[ZBXNEXT-826] updated ChangeLog entriesZBXNEXT-826
Sergejs BoidenkoSergejs Boidenko
59bf7faef2cM........S. [ZBX-25671] fixed compilaltion with libevent version less 2.1.6* commit '576240d922e5c94ae36474276b8769720160b4b4': ........S. [ZBX-25671] fixed compilaltion with libevent version less 2.1.6ZBX-25671
Sergejs BoidenkoSergejs Boidenko
d3e70b9227dM.......PS. [ZBX-25089] fixed auto registration loop with proxy group* commit 'b2e3d942c8d63723ede8c6f7580b004bfd08dbda': .......PS. [ZBX-25089] fixed auto registration loop with proxy groupZBX-25089
Sergejs BoidenkoSergejs Boidenko
576240d922e........S.[ZBX-25671] fixed compilaltion with libevent version less 2.1.6ZBX-25671
Continuous IntegrationContinuous Integration
a792578d746..........[ZBXNEXT-826] updated ChangeLog entriesZBXNEXT-826
Aleksejs AbrosimovsAleksejs Abrosimovs
8c86ab414d9M.........T [ZBXNEXT-9545] added Nvidia by Zabbix agent 2 templates* commit '5119aa2b60afc67245154a2163386829f3470085': .........T [ZBXNEXT-9545] added Nvidia by Zabbix agent 2 templatesZBXNEXT-9545
Aleksejs AbrosimovsAleksejs Abrosimovs
5119aa2b60a.........T [ZBXNEXT-9545] added Nvidia by Zabbix agent 2 templatesZBXNEXT-9545
Dmitrijs GoloscapovsDmitrijs Goloscapovs
c1f8c5fde48....I..PS.[ZBX-25722] fixed leakZBX-25722
Dmitrijs GoloscapovsDmitrijs Goloscapovs
c6c28ceba24....I..PS.[ZBX-25722] fixed messageZBX-25722
Michael VekslerMichael Veksler
4150bcd2afc.......PS. [ZBX-25391] fixed error in the log file when retrieving VMware tags from an ESXi host(cherry picked from commit d7d6550e474e4c04021c6f62e8c4bcbbabf82324) (cherry picked from commit ca2802c22eefa90bb1b5a93be0f8cc5511f328d8)ZBX-25391
Dmitrijs GoloscapovsDmitrijs Goloscapovs
f0356c12d73M....I..PS. [ZBX-25722] fixed Zabbix proxy throwing errors when removing/creating sqlite databaseMerge in ZBX/zabbix from feature/ZBX-25722-7.3 to master * commit '5c38a5ee4fc9a9dc31fcd80ab520ff4dcc65ef1c': .......... [ZBX-25722] added changelog ....I..PS. [ZBX-25722] fixed Zabbix proxy throwing errors when removing/creating sqlite databaseZBX-25722
Dmitrijs GoloscapovsDmitrijs Goloscapovs
5c38a5ee4fc..........[ZBX-25722] added changelogZBX-25722
Sergejs BoidenkoSergejs Boidenko
b2e3d942c8d.......PS. [ZBX-25089] fixed auto registration loop with proxy group(cherry picked from commit 88fbeeff7fb0e1ba92b8b09c7993efb1ca8fc18e)ZBX-25089
Vladislavs SokurenkoVladislavs Sokurenko
f10c8c68b1c.......PS. [ZBX-25517] fixed use of uninitialized variable(cherry picked from commit b489c4086d0b6d4d73b91d73a0db4414bab3e9f1)ZBX-25517
Dmitrijs GoloscapovsDmitrijs Goloscapovs
b032c00fe0c....I..PS.[ZBX-25722] fixed Zabbix proxy throwing errors when removing/creating sqlite databaseZBX-25722
Vladimirs MaksimovsVladimirs Maksimovs
0df390fef6aA.........[ZBX-25732] fixed inability to make cross-origin requests to API when passing authentication token using Authorization HTTP header; fixed inability to make cross-origin HTTP OPTIONS request to API endpointZBX-25732
Robert GontarskiRobert Gontarski
bc3610c2ae2..F....... [ZBX-25010] fixed trigger being displayed in its own dependency list* commit '2260754e357f097f92a944571c234729591ffe18': .......... [ZBX-25010] fixed selenium test after review .......... [ZBX-25010] fixed table reload .......... [ZBX-25010] added host triggers check .......... [ZBX-25010] extracted common test code .......... [ZBX-25010] fixed dependency test .......... [ZBX-25010] added template tigger dependency list test .......... [ZBX-25010]...ZBX-25010
Juris LambdaJuris Lambda
1a256f4aa92....I..... [ZBX-25321] fixed libevent related build failuresWe implicitly relied on the libevent installation providing a pre-2.0 compatibility header, which is not the case across all systems. This prevented building on OpenBSD >= 7.5 at the very least. (cherry picked from commit fe3a75e40778613d70e179fa9afe8fefb401fe7f)ZBX-25321
Sergejs BoidenkoSergejs Boidenko
5d18bee3017M........S. [ZBX-25363] fixed connector error spam to log* commit 'c543384ce6e0be41999c8ecafe5a5fda0840d46a': ........S. [ZBX-25363] returned 0 length string in case of NULL body in zbx_http_handle_response ........S. [ZBX-25363] returned 0 length string in case of NULL body in any case, no error ........S. [ZBX-25363] returned 0 length string in case of NULL body in zbx_http_handle_response ........S. [ZBX-25363] fixed connector error spam t...ZBX-25363
Armands Arseniuss SkolmeistersArmands Arseniuss Skolmeisters
8e706cd6b69M.......... [ZBX-24970] fixed includes* commit '9f1aa3fae7485f36a9737cb338560390ab94ad09': .......... [ZBX-24970] fixed includesZBX-24970
Evgenii GordymovEvgenii Gordymov
0f1f6e4d445M.........T [ZBXNEXT-9572] added Juniper MX by SNMP template* commit '121cf10de40b925e0eff181ee892158493430cef': .........T [ZBXNEXT-9572] added Juniper MX by SNMP templateZBXNEXT-9572
Dmitrijs GoloscapovsDmitrijs Goloscapovs
1268da87d5f.......PS. [ZBX-25515] fixed conflict / build issue(cherry picked from commit 57f29251a78aa1d9c0fba8c7b8e06e41452ea37f)ZBX-25515
Dmitrijs GoloscapovsDmitrijs Goloscapovs
6807f906e0c.......PS. [ZBX-25515] improved LLD error messages when being unable to create or update an entityMerge in ZBX/zabbix from feature/ZBX-25515-7.0 to release/7.0 * commit '48395ad94c2287743a866edcd70b73af12d518b6': .......... [ZBX-25515] added changelog .......... [ZBX-25515] added changelog .......PS. [ZBX-25515] removed unnecessary truncation ........S. [ZBX-25515] fixed truncation ........S. [ZBX-25515] fixed leak ........S. [ZBX-25515] simplified code ........S. [ZBX-25515]...ZBX-25515
Armands Arseniuss SkolmeistersArmands Arseniuss Skolmeisters
9f1aa3fae74..........[ZBX-24970] fixed includesZBX-24970
Artjoms RimdjonoksArtjoms Rimdjonoks
4203b9cb027M.....J....[DEV-3789] added supression for empty final finalizersDEV-3789
Michael VekslerMichael Veksler
cd038bf9607.......PS. [ZBX-25497] added support for VMware perfCounter measured in gigaBytes* commit '52eebabad24119128c2753fd04f427f8df5a5eb5': .......PS. [ZBX-25497] fixed ChangeLog entity .......PS. [ZBX-25497] added support for VMware perfCounter with type gigaBytes (cherry picked from commit 2ca69a8afee8a89c97702b6a636d3f1d34673ace) (cherry picked from commit 84642d7bf7b124b7119a8ce1deef9fac87e5152d)ZBX-25497
Dmitrijs GoloscapovsDmitrijs Goloscapovs
f36bc93cc34...G...... [ZBX-25267] fixed Zabbix agent2 refusing PSK connections when using PSK and certsMerge in ZBX/zabbix from feature/ZBX-25267-6.0 to release/6.0 * commit '1b52670c6a83a4d5b4806e97bffe20e02ac27026': ...G...... [ZBX-25267] added changelog ...G...... [ZBX-25267] fixed Zabbix agent2 refusing PSK connections when using PSK and certs (cherry picked from commit 8360d81c2a5aa8e5d585833c1a49812791f1a024) (cherry picked from commit 5caaffddb974a00b8ecf30db2e1d1ebcb89004dd) (cherr...ZBX-25267
Artjoms RimdjonoksArtjoms Rimdjonoks
c90e7899bd3M..........[DEV-2984] made testAgentItems, testEscalations and testEventsCauseAndSymptoms integration tests more stable, added more debugging for other testsDEV-2984
Evgenii GordymovEvgenii Gordymov
121cf10de40M.........T [ZBXNEXT-9572] updated to latest originZBXNEXT-9572
Artjoms RimdjonoksArtjoms Rimdjonoks
d8e243c7003M........S.[ZBX-23103] fixed parsing of jsonpath containing dollarZBX-23103
Michael VekslerMichael Veksler
2f5ca8ae775...G...... [ZBX-25390] fixed vfs.fs.get item for Digital Audio CD disks on Windows* commit 'd90097ce1bd0e0051b8e6d2ea0088d22c6b145a8': ...G...... [ZBX-25390] fixed ChangeLog entity ...G...... [ZBX-25390] minor refactoring ...G...... [ZBX-25390] fixed vfs.fs.get item of Zabbix Agent 2 for Windows and CDDA disks ...G...... [ZBX-25390] fixed vfs.fs.get item of Zabbix Agent for Windows and CDDA disks (cherry picked from commit c021b07eb284b3b507cd2aa43395fefe21d1925c) (...ZBX-25390
Ivo KurzemnieksValdis MurzinsIvo Kurzemnieks
0a19a2aa14b..F....... [ZBX-25022] fixed copying of master and dependent items to multiple destinations* commit '4003360e2cab6da1eb50cacdadc8f515b764f942': ..F....... [ZBX-25022] fixed copying of master and dependent items to multiple destinations (cherry picked from commit 1f27d69c1b68b293737525e55f8e32a63ba48eb6) (cherry picked from commit d0bebeb9fe1e3a9c3dcba9583903187dcbb512e5)ZBX-25022
Artjoms RimdjonoksArtjoms Rimdjonoks
4b4eb4520a2M........S.[ZBX-21857] fixed inconsistencies in auditlog between Zabbix server and Zabbix frontendZBX-21857
Andris ZeilaAndris Zeila
014f62fe650.......PS.[ZBX-25136] fixed coding styleZBX-25136
Andris ZeilaAndris Zeila
c6abbb70934.......PS. [ZBX-25136] fixed item testing preprocessing not being performed on Zabbix proxy when the item itself is being tested on Zabbix proxyMerge in ZBX/zabbix from feature/ZBX-25136-7.0 to release/7.0 * commit '6b205d504b419e25ef08614789fee1e5d903d9c6': .D........ [ZBX-25136] updated changelog entry ........S. [ZBX-25136] updated proxy version check when processing item testing data from proxy .......P.. [ZBX-25136] moved no value check before preprocessing data check .......P.. [ZBX-25136] added null value check for item...ZBX-25136
Robert GontarskiRobert Gontarski
f35c0a1f1f3M..F....... [ZBX-24895] changed double quotes to single quotes for string in SQL statement* commit 'b5f41880f8b0e8eb8f52e92302968e45576c21b6': ..F....... [ZBX-24895] changed double quotes to single quotes for string in SQL statementZBX-24895
Wiktor CzernehaWiktor Czerneha
7ad0fbb9993..F....... [ZBX-25183] fixed the selected items color of collapsed main menu* commit '0bba2964c2785f32f32d804c7d9f81af27ee62d6': ..F....... [ZBX-25183] fixed the selected items color of collapsed main menu (cherry picked from commit 772cecee64ec49c341d4385f5d67cd89ccde544e) (cherry picked from commit 4202f61cc9afc2d3fc82dd4814d80ae372df6b3c)ZBX-25183
Dmitrijs GoloscapovsDmitrijs Goloscapovs
412883eb34f.......PS. [ZBX-25590] fixed failures to convert double to uint64 in preprocessingMerge in ZBX/zabbix from feature/ZBX-25590-7.0 to release/7.0 * commit 'f09b2845eeed5503848a9e95c934ec6179e3050e': .......... [ZBX-25590] added changelog .......PS. [ZBX-25590] fixed failures to convert double to uint64 in preprocessing (cherry picked from commit 8283e530e39a679e7df86497bebe64fad40d210c) (cherry picked from commit 33874a5155d1989f2e7ac92dd250ab2d3e0fca94)ZBX-25590
Dmitrijs GoloscapovsDmitrijs Goloscapovs
5007bd73ae4.......PS. [ZBX-25596] fixed handling of preprocessing history when value type of an item is changedMerge in ZBX/zabbix from feature/ZBX-25596-7.0 to release/7.0 * commit 'b7beff74dfea1fc38378013c2a04980b2d499450': .......... [ZBX-25596] added changelog .......PS. [ZBX-25596] fixed handling of preprocessing history when value type of an item is changed (cherry picked from commit f9debc29e9baceddc1334946207cb18c76ce0bc4)ZBX-25596
Anna PogaAnna Poga
fc6707bf4f5..F....... [ZBX-25269] fixed widget iterator readiness* commit '4b02a366afcad5ffad403140fb3653a8e152cf50': ..F....... [ZBX-25269] added changelog ..F....... [ZBX-25269] fixed widget iterator readiness (cherry picked from commit 3b60313cfc67df4c8b0dd74e06ba1a3c81cc9697) (cherry picked from commit ddab57da4f0c31db4a3d88bdac157db52c195429)ZBX-25269
Armands Arseniuss SkolmeistersArmands Arseniuss Skolmeisters
d66e4d45f48M........S. [ZBX-24970] fixed forgotten places for macro functions support* commit '410f6dedd408ab1f4d41db7212fd1cd7ddafaf69': ........S. [ZBX-24970] restored empty line ........S. [ZBX-24970] fixed warnings in PR and reverted regexp functionality ........S. [ZBX-24970] revoved unnecessary empty line ........S. [ZBX-24970] fixed JSON escaping problem for macro resolution in script parameters ........S. [ZBX-24970] fixed forgotten places for macro functions ...ZBX-24970
Sergejs BoidenkoSergejs Boidenko
4d15bfe29d7M..F.....S. [ZBX-24916] fixed date/time calculation for numeric (unsigned) item values with unixtime units after the year 2038* commit 'd4e7b92b87aec5fbde9bfad98ab4351230a2d2d1': .D........ [ZBX-24916] fixed changelog .D........ [ZBX-24916] adjusted changelog ..F....... [ZBX-24916] adjusted full time display for large unix time ........S. [ZBX-24916] fixed wrong unixtime calculation after year 2038ZBX-24916
Andrejs VerzaAndrejs Verza
3c9330ba272..F....... [DEV-4123] fixed default widget name in the default implementation of widget view class* commit '58fd6d211e8aeffa2fdf4ae121b9e29d8c32084f': ..F....... [DEV-4123] fixed default widget name in the default implementation of widget view class (cherry picked from commit d947e28815543cdceabe144d058b93b08150baee)DEV-4123
Gregory ChalenkoGregory Chalenko
6b23fa79c64A......... [ZBX-25350] prohibited deleting user groups which are used in userdirectory user group mappingsMerge in ZBX/zabbix from feature/ZBX-25350-7.0 to release/7.0 * commit '084582857b7caea034a8043afdc0f4715a396244': A......... [ZBX-25350] added coding style changes to sql query A......... [ZBX-25350] added coding style changes A......... [ZBX-25350] fixed sql coding style A......... [ZBX-25350] changed usage of dbconditionint to dbconditionid A......... [ZBX-25350] added missing tab...ZBX-25350
Vladislavs SokurenkoVladislavs Sokurenko
71de754fe64.......PS. [ZBXNEXT-9622] added top.peak in diaginfo to identify items with highest task queue* commit '45b59dc64cdde06671c4c04303f3a1e095917432': .......PS. [ZBXNEXT-9622] added top.peak daily reset .......PS. [ZBXNEXT-9622] added top.peak in diaginfo to identify items with highest task queue .......PS. [ZBXNEXT-9622] added top.peak in diaginfo to identify items with highest task queue (cherry picked from commit 64c205855a3da161777c5c30a49fb385ed395bf5) (cherry picked from commi...ZBXNEXT-9622
Alexander BakaldinAlexander Bakaldin
b7d60f5a550M.........T [DEV-4132] updated zabbix version in media_types to 7.4* commit '56834ade77993a12c8590881ad3a077e87fcb027': .........T [DEV-4132] updated zabbix version in media_types to 7.4 .........T [DEV-4132] updated zabbix version in templates to 7.4DEV-4132
Vladislavs SokurenkoVladislavs Sokurenko
52757ec07db...G...... [ZBX-25550] fixed crash in Zabbix agent when Zabbix server is restarted in the middle of connection(cherry picked from commit 3bdf60dfe2a046e5c542cf0c397737fab943e328) (cherry picked from commit a9477c9dcd231492c37c740546506d1c63b71d6c)ZBX-25550
Vladislavs SokurenkoVladislavs Sokurenko
b14c01bccbf...G...... [ZBX-25550] fixed crash in Zabbix agent when Zabbix server is restarted in the middle of connection(cherry picked from commit be1a0f0472c2f1abd0e5ee1444e7ff4ff781fe3f) (cherry picked from commit f9ecb43835659e8681bf4476910d3740ed9f274c)ZBX-25550
Vladislavs SokurenkoVladislavs Sokurenko
fa7335c7cc9.......PS. [ZBX-25548] fixed SNMP agent walk and get keys returning non printable ascii as string if hints are missing* commit 'aa927dbaab2262efc83a7189a1e7f0a5585360ac': .......PS. [ZBX-25548] fixed SNMP agent walk and get keys returning non printable ascii as string if hints are missing .......PS. [ZBX-25548] fixed SNMP agent walk and get keys returning non printable ascii as string if hints are missing .......PS. [ZBX-25548] fixed SNMP agent walk and get keys returning non printable ascii as string if...ZBX-25548

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